Archives for the 'Health and Safety' Category
Quote of the day, maybe the decade
Published on 3 Mar 2012 at 9:50 am.
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Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, Technopolitical, Design, Interface, and Usability, Health and Safety, Legal, Law, and Courts, Government: Federal, State and Local, Main Stream Media.
The means became ends in themselves….
Read ‘Quote of the day, maybe the decade’
K&N - Masters of Deceptive Marketing
Published on 30 Jun 2007 at 2:21 pm.
1 Comment.
Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, One Corporation Under God, Limited Lie-ability, In Corporations We Trust, Business and Corporation Related, Health and Safety, Branding and Values, Humor.
Everything’s “Green” these days, including the liars.
Read ‘K&N - Masters of Deceptive Marketing’
A Cure For Global Warming
Published on 1 Jun 2007 at 9:32 am.
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Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, Technopolitical, Health and Safety, Government: Federal, State and Local, Humor.
I propose we strike right at the source of the problem…
Read ‘A Cure For Global Warming’
Intermittent Explosive Disorder– Again
Published on 8 Jun 2006 at 10:44 pm.
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Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, Health and Safety, Main Stream Media.
Amid so much ambiguity, I’m left wondering why the things which were left out were left out…
Read ‘Intermittent Explosive Disorder– Again’
Sweetest Poison
Published on 19 Sep 2005 at 5:00 pm.
Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, Manifest Masquerade, Winners and Losers, One Corporation Under God, Limited Lie-ability, In Corporations We Trust, Business and Corporation Related, Health and Safety, Legal, Law, and Courts, Government: Federal, State and Local, Branding and Values, Public Relations and Marketing.
Brief commentary and link inventory on the Aspartame/artificial sweetener controversy
Our Tax Dollars At Work
Published on 5 Sep 2005 at 5:00 pm.
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Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, Thanks for Playing, Brain Trust, Blogosphere, Business and Corporation Related, Health and Safety, Government: Federal, State and Local, Economics and the Economy, Main Stream Media.
Brief visitation of the hurricane Katrina disaster in terms of governmental incompetence, chiefly in terms of why commenting on the cargo cult of governance is an excercise in redundancy… and futility
Read ‘Our Tax Dollars At Work’
Vioxx Verdict: Cargo Cult of Pain and Suffering
Published on 29 Aug 2005 at 12:00 pm.
Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, Brain Trust, Winners and Losers, Business and Corporation Related, Health and Safety, Legal, Law, and Courts, Government: Federal, State and Local.
A brief visitation of the Vioxx debacle, from the perspective of millions of patients being harmed by a jury too lazy to be troubled with the facts
Read ‘Vioxx Verdict: Cargo Cult of Pain and Suffering’
That sums it up nicely…
Published on 18 Aug 2005 at 12:25 am.
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Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, One Corporation Under God, In Corporations We Trust, Business and Corporation Related, Health and Safety, Branding and Values.
It’s a growing case of corporation in-loco-parentis.
Read ‘That sums it up nicely…’
The Cargo Cult of Disease Control
Published on 15 Aug 2005 at 12:00 pm.
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Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, Manifest Masquerade, Brain Trust, In Corporations We Trust, Technopolitical, Business and Corporation Related, Health and Safety, Government: Federal, State and Local.
The amazing refusal of the Mainstream Media, as well as millions of Americans, to wake up to the cargo cult science being promulgated by the Institute of Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control in the matter of long-term neural damage from mercury-laced vaccinations