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The Cargo Cult of Business » Fuel Inefficient Cars…

Fuel Inefficient Cars…

Published on 16 Jun 2006 at 10:39 pm | No Comments | Trackback
Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, Winners and Losers, Pure Geek.

I can’t resist this, just for a little Friday fun, a few very fuel inefficient cars courtesy of cnn.


 I actually tried to buy a 1970 Olds 442 convertible about 20 years ago.  I think the guy who had it turned down my $1500 because he kind of liked the old heap, and besides, he figured he could get $2000 if he held out.  Now the cars in that article are mint condition show room stuff, but I hope that guy held on to it and can sell it now for enough to pay off his house.


-- John
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