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The Cargo Cult of Business » It’s Easy…..

It’s Easy…..

Published on 5 Apr 2007 at 9:36 pm | No Comments | Trackback
Filed under The Cargo Cults of Business, Thanks for Playing, Brain Trust, One Corporation Under God, In Corporations We Trust, Technopolitical, Business and Corporation Related, Humor.

Yes, you read it right:

"It’s easy to get results with great people. The trick is to do it with the people you’ve got."

 Spoken by a CEO who was trying to make a different point than the one he made. It is a pearl of wisdom nevertheless. The reality of life in an organization of any size is that your people will be, well, average. And no, rank-and-yank won’t fix it; it just changes the filter so you get a different average. Humans are multi-dimensional. If you select on the basis of RnY, your get people good at surviving that, but who says they’re good at anything else?

 The wise CEO seeks to maximize the team he’s got. Now, I’m not saying never lay anyone off. But if your organization has a three-digit payroll, you are reverting to the mean, and you need to focus on motivating the people you have, and _enabling_ the people you have. How many barriers do your troops face in requisitioning bullets? Are you ordering them to build starships with only stone axes as tools? My guess is yes - most comapnies are.

Assume they’re not idiots. Empower them. Feel free to hold them accountable. You pay ‘em big bucks; why assume they’re stupid?



-- Oliver
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